Times Literary Supplement
- Times Literary Supplement
(abbr the TLS)
a British newspaper published each week by the company that owns The Times. It consists mainly of reviews of new books and also includes articles on literature. It was first published in 1902.
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▪ British journal
weekly literary journal founded in 1902 as a supplement to The Sunday Times of London, long famous for its coverage of all aspects of literature and widely considered the finest literary review in the English language. TLS sets the tone and standards for excellence in the field of literary criticism. It presents reviews of major books of fiction and nonfiction published in every language, and its essays are sophisticated and written with scholarly authority and in a lively style. It is also noted for its bibliographic thoroughness, its topical essays by the world's leading scholars, and for the brilliance and erudition of its readers' published letters to the editor.
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Times Literary Supplement — The Times Literary Supplement The Times Literary Supplement (ou TLS) est une revue littéraire britannique, publiée à Londres, à périodicité hebdomadaire. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Rédacteurs en chef 3 Voir aussi … Wikipédia en Français
Times Literary Supplement — The Times Literary Supplement (kurz TLS) ist eine wöchentlich erscheinende britische Literaturzeitschrift, die in London bei News International, einem Verlag der Unternehmensgruppe News Corporation, erscheint. Die Zeitschrift erschien erstmals… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Times Literary Supplement, The — [ȓə taɪmz lɪtərərɪ sʌplɪmənt], Abkürzung TLS [tiːel es], ab 1902 als Beilage der wöchentlich erscheinenden »Sunday Times«, seit 1914 selbstständig erscheinende englische Wochenzeitschrift von internationalem Ansehen, die Rezensionen aus allen… … Universal-Lexikon
Times Literary Supplement — Times Lit|e|ra|ry Sup|ple|ment, the the TLS a British weekly newspaper which contains articles and information about literature, especially about new books, produced by The Times … Dictionary of contemporary English
The Times Literary Supplement — Infobox Magazine title = The Times Literary Supplement image size = 130px image caption = Cover of the Times Literary Supplement publisher = News International paid circulation = unpaid circulation = total circulation = frequency = 50 per year… … Wikipedia
The Times Literary Supplement — (o TLS, en la portada desde 1969) es una revista literaria semanal publicada en Londres por News International, una subsidiaria de News Corporation. Contenido 1 Historia 2 Directores 3 Bibliografía … Wikipedia Español
The Times Literary Supplement — (kurz TLS) ist eine wöchentlich erscheinende britische Literaturzeitschrift, die in London bei News International, einem Verlag der Unternehmensgruppe News Corporation, erscheint. Die Zeitschrift erschien erstmals 1902 als Beilage der Times,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Times Literary Supplement — (ou TLS) est une revue littéraire britannique, publiée à Londres, à périodicité hebdomadaire. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Rédacteurs en chef 3 Voir aussi … Wikipédia en Français
The Times Literary Supplement — (TLS) влиятельный еженедельный литературно критический журнал Великобритании. Содержание 1 История 2 Публикации 3 Об издании … Википедия
(the) Times Literary Supplement — the Times Literary Supplement [the Times Literary Supplement] (abbr the TLS) a British newspaper published each week by the company that owns ↑Times. It consists mainly of reviews of new books and also includes articles on literature. It was… … Useful english dictionary