- Stetson{™}
a type of tall hat with a wide brim worn especially by cowboys and other people in the western US states. It was invented by John B Stetson (1830–1906).
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Stetson — hats or Stetsons are a brand of hat manufactered by the John B. Stetson Company of St. Joseph, Missouri. The Stetson sometimes used as a genericized term for a cowboy hat, though the company makes other styles of brimmed hat, it has become most… … Wikipedia
stetson — [ stɛtsɔn ] n. m. • mil. XXe; angl. amér. Stetson hat, de Stetson, n. de marque ♦ Chapeau d homme à larges bords relevés sur les côtés, aux États Unis. « le shérif, perplexe, tient maintenant son stetson du bout des doigts » (Cl. M. Cluny). ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Stetson — [stetsn; englisch, nach dem amerikanischen Hutfabrikanten John Batterson Stetson, * 1830, ✝ 1906] der, s/ s, weicher Filzhut mit breiter Krempe, Cowboyhut. * * * Stet|son ® [stɛtsn], der; s, s [engl. stetson, nach dem Namen des amerik.… … Universal-Lexikon
Stetson — 1902, trademark name, from John B. Stetson (1830 1906), U.S. hat manufacturer, who started his company in Philadelphia in 1865 … Etymology dictionary
stetson — stètson m DEFINICIJA šešir s velikim obodom, kaubojski šešir ETIMOLOGIJA engl. Stetson© … Hrvatski jezični portal
Stetson — ☆ Stetson [stet′sən ] [after John B. Stetson (1830 1906), who originated it] trademark for hats of various kinds n. [sometimes s ] a hat, worn esp. by Westerners, usually of felt, with a broad brim and a high, soft crown … English World dictionary
Stetson® — /stetˈsn/ noun A man s felt hat with a broad brim and a soft, high crown ORIGIN: JB Stetson (1830–1906), US hat maker … Useful english dictionary
Stetson — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Stetson – Drei Halunken erster Klasse Originaltitel Il bianco, il giallo, il nero … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stetson — exemple de Stetson. Stetson est une marque de chapeau et plus généralement de couvre chef connu pour ces chapeaux de cow boy. Dans le langage courant un chapeau de cow boy peut être appelé un « stetson » alors même qu il n est pas de… … Wikipédia en Français
Stetson — John Batterson Stetson (1830 1906) was a New Jerseyite who went West for his health. His observant eye noticed that the headgear worn by cowboys was not so suitable as it might be. Returning to the East, he settled in Philadelphia, where he… … Dictionary of eponyms
Stetson® — Stẹt|son® 〈[ sən] m.; od. s, s〉 hoher, breitkrempiger Filzhut * * * Stet|son® [ stɛtsn̩ ], der; s, s [engl. stetson, nach dem Namen des amerik. Hutfabrikanten J. B. Stetson (1830–1906)]: weicher Filzhut mit breiter Krempe; Cowboyhut … Universal-Lexikon