Scottish Parliament — the parliament for Scotland which was established in 1999 and has the power to make laws in Scotland. The leader of the parliament is the First Minister, and its 129 members are called MSPs, or Members of the Scottish Parliament. They are elected … Dictionary of contemporary English
Scottish Parliament — by virtue of the Scotland Act 1998, there is a devolved Scottish Parliament as of 1 July 1999. It has all the powers of a big local authority and all the pomp, officials and expense of a sovereign parliament. Collins dictionary of law. W. J.… … Law dictionary
Scottish Parliament — For the national legislative body before 1707, see Parliament of Scotland. Scottish Parliament Pàrlamaid na h Alba 4th Parliame … Wikipedia
Scottish Parliament — the ˌScottish ˈParliament 7 [Scottish Parliament] noun singular + singular or plural verb the parliament elected by the people of Scotland which has powers to make its own laws in areas such as education and health Culture: The Scottish… … Useful english dictionary
Scottish Parliament — Das Schottische Parlament (english.: The Scottish Parliament; gälisch: Pàrlamaid na h Alba Parlament Schottlands) übernimmt die Aufgaben der schottischen Legislative. Das ursprüngliche schottische Parlament wurde 1707 im Rahmen des Act of Union… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scottish Parliament — Scotland did not have its own parliament between the passage of the Act of Union with England in 1707 and 1999. The present parliament was created by the Scotland Act of 1998. It is elected every four years by the additional member system, 73… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics
Scottish Parliament general election, 2011 — 2007 ← members 5 May 2011 Members elected →&# … Wikipedia
Scottish Parliament general election, 2007 — Scottish Parliament election, 2007 2003 ← members 3 May 2007 Members elected → … Wikipedia
Scottish Parliament general election, 2016 — 2011 ← members 5 May 2016 → 2020 … Wikipedia
Scottish Parliament Building — The Scottish Parliament Building ( gd. Pàrlamaid na h Alba) [ [] , accessed 2 May 2007] is the home of the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, within the UNESCO… … Wikipedia