Royal Geographical Society
- Royal Geographical Society
an organization formed in London, England, in 1830 to provide money and support for journeys of discovery abroad, especially in Africa. Among the first journeys were those of David Livingstone and Richard Burton (II). Its main work today is in scientific publishing and education.
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▪ British organization
British group founded as the Geographical Society of London in 1830.
Its headquarters are in the borough of Westminster (
Westminster, City of),
next to Royal Albert Hall.
It originated in the Raleigh Travellers'
Club (
formed in 1827)
and was incorporated in 1859 under its present name.
Soon after its foundation it absorbed the African Association,
founded in 1788.
In the 19th century the society promoted or supported explorations in British Guiana (
now Guyana;
led by Sir Robert Schomburgk (
Schomburgk, Sir Robert Hermann)),
in Africa (
David Livingstone (
Livingstone, David),
Sir Richard Burton (
Burton, Sir Richard),
John Hanning Speke (
Speke, John Hanning),
James Augustus Grant (
Grant, James Augustus),
and Joseph Thomson (
Thomson, Joseph)),
and in the Arctic (
Sir John Franklin (
Franklin, Sir John)
and Sir George Strong Nares).
Activities during the 20th century include Robert Falcon Scott (
Scott, Robert Falcon)'
s first Antarctic expedition,
Sir Ernest Shackleton (
Shackleton, Sir Ernest Henry)'
s Imperial Trans-
Antarctic Expedition,
consecutive Mount Everest expeditions culminating in Sir Edmund Hillary (
Hillary, Sir Edmund)'
s successful ascent of 1953,
the Norwegian-
Swedish Antarctic expedition (
Sir Vivian Ernest Fuchs (
Fuchs, Sir Vivian Ernest)'
s British Commonwealth Trans-
Antarctic Expedition (
and major expeditions to various tropical regions.
The society absorbed the smaller Institute of British Geographers in 1995.
The objectives of the combined organization are to advance geographic knowledge through lectures and publications (
Geographical Journal, Geographical Magazine, Area, and others),
through its libraries and map collections,
and through instruction in surveying and the support of exploration and research.
The British sovereign annually awards two gold medals for exploration on the council'
s recommendation.
The society'
s membership was about 13,
000 in the late 1990s.
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