Royal Academy of Arts

Royal Academy of Arts

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Britain's national academy of art.

It was founded in 1768 by George III. Its first president (176892) was Joshua Reynolds. The number of its members, who are selected by members and associates, is fixed at 40; members' names are frequently followed by the initials R.A. ("Royal Academician"). Its galleries contain works by such former members as Thomas Gainsborough and J.M.W. Turner. The academy opened a new wing, the Sackler Galleries, in 1991.

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art academy, London, United Kingdom
 principal society of artists in London. Its headquarters, art museum, and educational facilities are located in Burlington House, in the borough of Westminster (Westminster, City of).

      The academy was founded in 1768 by George III. Its collections and classes were first held in Somerset House (now the site of the Courtauld Institute Galleries), but in 1837 the academy was moved to Trafalgar Square and in 1868 to Burlington House. Its galleries contain works by such former members as Joshua Reynolds (Reynolds, Sir Joshua), Thomas Gainsborough (Gainsborough, Thomas), John Constable (Constable, John), and J.M.W. Turner (Turner, J.M.W.). A particularly notable sculpture is Michelangelo's Taddei tondo, a work in marble depicting the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and John the Baptist. In an annual summer exhibition, the works of contemporary artists are shown. The academy opened a new wing, the Sackler Galleries, in 1991.

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Universalium. 2010.

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