Public Sector Borrowing Requirement

Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
(abbr PSBR)
the amount of money the government needs to borrow every year to pay for public spending, if money from taxes is not enough. It is borrowed from the banking system and other sources, and is considered an addition to the National Debt.

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  • Public sector borrowing requirement — (PSBR) is the old name for the budget deficit in the United Kingdom. The budget deficit has been renamed to the public sector net cash requirement (PSNCR) to avoid confusion with net borrowing.PSBR occurs when expenditures for the government… …   Wikipedia

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  • Public Sector Borrowing Requirement — PSBR The amount by which UK government expenditure exceeds its income (i. e. the public sector deficit); this must be financed by borrowing (e. g. by selling gilt edged securities) or by printing money. As an indicator of government fiscal policy …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • the public sector borrowing requirement — UK US noun [S] (ABBREVIATION PSBR) UK OLD USE ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT ► the amount of money the government has to borrow when taxes and its other sources of income are not enough to pay for all the services it needs to provide. The public sector… …   Financial and business terms

  • (the) Public Sector Borrowing Requirement — the Public Sector Borrowing Requirement [the Public Sector Borrowing Requirement] (abbr PSBR) the amount of money the government needs to borrow every year to pay for public spending, if money from taxes is not enough. It is borrowed from the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • public sector borrowing requirement — PSBR The borrowing required by the UK government if its expenditure exceeds its income …   Accounting dictionary

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  • Public Sector Borrowing Requirement — /ˌpʌblɪk ˌsektə bɒrəυɪŋ rɪˌkwaɪəmənt/ noun the amount of money which a government has to borrow to pay for its own spending. Abbreviation PBSR …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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