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advocative — adjective see advocate II … New Collegiate Dictionary
advocate — advocative, adj. advocator, n. v. /ad veuh kayt /; n. /ad veuh kit, kayt /, v., advocated, advocating, n. v.t. 1. to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers. n. 2. a… … Universalium
advocate — I. noun Etymology: Middle English advocat, from Anglo French, from Latin advocatus, from past participle of advocare to summon, from ad + vocare to call, from voc , vox voice more at voice Date: 14th century 1. one that pleads the cause of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pennsylvania High School Speech League — The Pennsylvania High School Speech League is a high school forensics league. The PHSSL state championship takes place yearly in March at Susquehanna University. Each qualifying event contains 2 qualifiers from each district throughout… … Wikipedia
gonzo — gon•zo [[t]ˈgɒn zoʊ[/t]] adj. Slang. cvb jou fiercely advocative or partial without regard for balance or objectivity • Etymology: 1970–75, amer.; appar. first used by U.S. journalist Hunter S. Thompson (b. 1939); perh. < It: simpleton … From formal English to slang