Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin
a US company, formed in 1994 when the Lockheed Corporation and the Martin Marietta Corporation were joined together. It produces military aircraft, space rockets, satellites (= electronic devices in space) and other electronic equipment. Its F-22 Raptor aircraft for the US Air Force first flew in 1997. The company’s main office is in Bethesda, Maryland.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Lockheed Martin — [Lockheed Martin] a US company, formed in 1994 when the Lockheed Corporation and the Martin Marietta Corporation were joined together. It produces military aircraft, space ↑rockets, ↑satellites (= electronic devices in space) and other electronic …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lockheed Martin — For the former companies, see Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta. Lockheed Martin Type Public company (NYSE: LMT) I …   Wikipedia

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