Live Aid

Live Aid
two very large pop concerts held at the same time in London, England, and Philadelphia, US, in 1985. The aim of the concerts was to encourage people to give money to help people dying of hunger in Africa and £150 million was given. They were organized by Bob Geldof and followed the success of Band Aid.
See also Comic Relief. note at aid.

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  • Live Aid — [Live Aid] two very large pop concerts held at the same time in London, England, and Philadelphia, US, in 1985. The aim of the concerts was to encourage people to give money to help people dying of hunger in Africa and £150 million was given. The …   Useful english dictionary

  • Live Aid — two popular music concerts held in London and Philadephia on the same day in 1985, which were organized by the musician Bob Geldof to collect money to help people dying of hunger in Ethiopia. Live Aid led to other similar events, such as ↑Comic… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Live Aid — infobox music festival music festival name = Live Aid location = London, Philadelphia participation = Madonna, Sting, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Bob Geldof, Duran Duran, Neil Young founders = Bob Geldof and Midge Ure years active = 1985 dates =… …   Wikipedia

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  • Live Aid — Die Live Aid Bühne in Philadelphia. Live Aid ist der Name eines Benefizkonzerts, das am 13. Juli 1985 zu Gunsten Afrikas stattfand. Es wurde maßgeblich von dem Musiker Bob Geldof aus Anlass der damals akuten Hungersnot in Äthiopien organisiert.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Live Aid — Le Live Aid est un double concert historique, à vocation humanitaire, donné conjointement à Londres et à Philadelphie le 13 juillet 1985, et organisé par Bob Geldof. Il fut retransmis par de nombreuses télévisions, en direct, dans le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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