Liberace — à son domicile par Allan Warren en 1974 Surnom Walter Busterkeys Walter Liberace Lee Liberace Liberac … Wikipédia en Français
Liberace — (1968) Wladziu Valentino Liberace (* 16. Mai 1919 in West Allis, Wisconsin; † 4. Februar 1987 in Palm Springs, Kalifornien), besser bekannt als Liberace [lɪbəˈrɑːtʃiː] war ein US amerikanischer Pianist und späte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liberace — Datos generales Nacimiento 16 de mayo de 1919 Origen … Wikipedia Español
Liberace — Infobox Musical artist Name = Liberace Img capt = Liberace in 1983 Img size = Landscape = Background = non vocal instrumentalist Birth name = Wladziu Valentino Liberace Alias = Walter Busterkeys Walter Liberace Lee Liberace Liberace Chefroach The … Wikipedia
Liberace — orig. Wladziu Valentino Liberace (16 may. 1919, West Allis, Wis., EE.UU.–4 feb. 1987, Palm Springs, Cal.). Pianista estadounidense. Hijo de inmigrantes polacos e italianos, a los 16 años de edad fue solista junto a la orquesta sinfónica de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Liberace — Wladziu Valentino Liberace … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Liberace — /lɪbəˈratʃi/ (say libuh rahchee) noun (Wladziu Valentin Liberace), 1919–87, US pianist, noted for his flamboyance …
Liberace Technologies — is an American snowboard manufacturer. Usually referred to as Lib Tech or Lib Technologies , the company falls under the umbrella of parent company Mervin Manufacturing. Surf company Quiksilver bought Mervin in 1997 [… … Wikipedia
Liberace Museum — The Liberace Museum is located in Las Vegas, Nevada and houses many of Liberace s stage costumes, cars, jewelry, lavishly decorated pianos, and numerous citations for philanthropic acts.The non profit museum funds the Liberace Foundation for the… … Wikipedia
Liberace — Lib|e|ra|ce (1919 87) a US piano player and entertainer, who played well known ↑classical piano music on stage and on his own television programme. He was known for wearing clothes that were amusing because they looked so expensive and there were … Dictionary of contemporary English