
a British chain of shops that sells mens and womens clothing. It has a reputation for high quality. Jaeger shops were started to sell clothes based on the ideas of Dr Gustav Jaeger, who believed that wearing wool next to the skin was healthy.

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  • Jaeger —   [ jɛː ],    1) Fritz, Geograph, * Offenbach am Main 8. 1. 1881, ✝ Zürich 25. 11. 1966; ab 1911 Professor in Berlin, 1928 47 in Basel; Forschungsreisen besonders in Afrika und Mexiko. Jaeger veröffentlichte v. a. Arbeiten zur physischen, aber… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Jaeger 70 — is a hybrid of two American species of grape, Vitis lincecumii and Vitis rupestris. It was developed by Hermann Jaeger, of Missouri, who named it Munson after his friend and fellow grape breeder, T.V. Munson, however it is the selection number… …   Wikipedia

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  • Jaeger® — /yāˈgər/ noun Woollen material used in making clothes, orig containing no vegetable fibre ORIGIN: Dr Gustav Jaeger (1832–1917), German naturalist who believed that no clothing should contain vegetable fibres …   Useful english dictionary

  • Jaeger — Jae ger, n. See {Jager}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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