Hopalong Cassidy

Hopalong Cassidy

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  • Hopalong Cassidy — is a cowboy hero, created in 1904 by Clarence E. Mulford and appearing in a series of popular stories and novels. In print, the character appears as a rude, rough talking galoot . Beginning in 1935, the character, played by William Boyd, was… …   Wikipedia

  • Hopalong Cassidy — ist der Held zahlreicher Filme und Comichefte. Clarence E. Mulford kreierte die Figur des zunächst raubeinigen und unkultivierten Cowboys Hopalong Cassidy im Jahr 1904 und schrieb insgesamt 28 Erzählungen, in denen Hopalong Cassidy die Hauptfigur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hopalong Cassidy — est un cowboy de fiction créé par Clarence Mulford. Ce personnage a inspiré des romans, des bandes dessinées, des séries télévisées et apparait dans des dizaines de films entre les années 1930 et 1950. Dans ceux ci, il est incarné par William… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hopalong Cassidy — Imagen clásica de un cowboy, similar a las que inspiraron personajes ficticios como Hopalong Cassidy. Hopalong Cassidy es un héroe cowboy, creado en 1904 por Clarence E. Mulford y que aparecía en una serie de relatos y novelas populares. En… …   Wikipedia Español

  • HOPALONG CASSIDY SERIES —    William Boyd played Hopalong Cassidy in nearly 70 films, followed by a radio show, the first dramatic network television show, comic books, lunch pails, and an entire industry based on the “Hoppy Craze” during the 1950s. Thus Hopalong Cassidy… …   Westerns in Cinema

  • Hopalong Cassidy films — This is a chronological filmography of all films featuring the character Hopalong Cassidy, always played by actor William Boyd, annotated with film producer / film distributor.Harry Sherman / Paramount Pictures * Hop A Long Cassidy (1935)… …   Wikipedia

  • Hopalong Cassidy — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cassidy — ( ga. Ó Caiside / Ó Casaide) is a common Irish surname and is sometimes used as a given name. The surname translates to descendent of Caiside . The family were a sept of County Fermanagh. The Caiside s were originally a medical family, who were… …   Wikipedia

  • Cassidy — I. Butch Cassidy (1869–c. 1908) the leader of a group of criminals in the American Wild West called the ‘Wild Bunch’ or the ‘Hole in the Wall Gang’. Another member of the group was Harry Longbaugh, also called the ‘Sundance Kid’. They robbed… …   Universalium

  • Hop-a-long Cassidy — est un western B sorti en 1935. C est le premier film de la série mettant en vedette Hopalong Cassidy, interprété par William Boyd. Synopsis Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Votre aide est la bienvenue ! Fiche… …   Wikipédia en Français

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