
(Ernst Hans Gombrich 19092001 )
a British art historian, born in Vienna, Austria. He wrote several important books about art, including Art and Illusion (1960) and The Story of Art (1950), which has sold more than four million copies. He was made a knight in 1972.

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  • Gombrich —   [ gɔmbrɪtʃ], Sir (seit 1972) Ernst Hans Josef, britischer Kunsthistoriker österreichischer Herkunft, * Wien 30. 3. 1909,✝ London 3. 11. 2001; lebte seit 1936 in England. 1936 39 war er am Warburg Institute in London tätig, dann wieder ab 1946… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Gombrich, Ernest —    b. 1909, Vienna (Austria)    Art historian    Gombrich moved from Vienna to Britain in 1936. He has spent most of his working life at the Warburg Institute, London. Gombrich’s writings favour broad studies over narrow specialization. He… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

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