blood sports

blood sports

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • blood sports — plural noun Those involving the killing of animals, fox hunting and the like • • • Main Entry: ↑blood * * * blood sports UK US noun [plural] activities such as fox hunting that involve killing animals or birds Thesaurus: hunting, shooting and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • blood sports — blood ,sports noun plural activities such as hunting that involve killing animals or birds …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • blood sports —    Many of the traditional sports and pastimes of England were what would now be classed as blood sports and have long since been outlawed and suppressed. Badger baiting, bear baiting, bull baiting, *bull running, dog fighting, *cock fighting,… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • blood sports — sport in which animals are killed, sport that involves bloodshed (such as hunting or bullfighting) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • blood sports — UK / US noun [plural] activities such as fox hunting that involve killing animals or birds …   English dictionary

  • ˈblood ˌsports — noun [plural] activities such as hunting that involve killing animals or birds …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • blood sport — blood sports also bloodsport N COUNT Blood sports are sports such as hunting in which animals are killed …   English dictionary

  • blood sport — n a sport that involves the killing of animals ▪ a demonstration against blood sports …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • blood sport — noun sport that involves killing animals (especially hunting) • Hypernyms: ↑sport, ↑athletics • Hyponyms: ↑bullfighting, ↑tauromachy, ↑cockfighting, ↑hunt, ↑hunting * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blood sport — Bloodsport or blood sport is any sport or entertainment that involves violence against animals.Bloodsport includes coursing or beagling, combat sports such as cockfighting, or other activities. These usually involve blood being drawn, and… …   Wikipedia

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