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  • Canvassing — is the systematic initiation of direct contact with a target group of individuals commonly used during political campaigns. A campaign team (and during elections a candidate) will knock on doors of private residences within a particular… …   Wikipedia

  • canvassing — can‧vas‧sing [ˈkænvəsɪŋ] noun [uncountable] 1. MARKETING the activity of asking people about something in order to get their opinion or to get information: • Members of the Finance Houses Association should discourage intrusive methods of… …   Financial and business terms

  • canvassing — index analysis, inquiry (systematic investigation) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 canvassing …   Law dictionary

  • Canvassing — Der englische Politiker Jack Straw beim Canvassing Unter Canvassing (dt. „Kundenfang“ oder „Stimmenwerbung“) versteht man die systematische Anbahnung eines direkten Kontaktes zu einer bestimmten Gruppe von Personen. Diese Art der Kontaktaufnahme… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Canvassing — Can|vas|sing 〈[kæ̣nvæsıŋ] n.; od. s; unz.〉 1. 〈Pol.〉 Stimmenwerbung, Wahlpropaganda 2. Kundenwerbung, Reklame [engl.] * * * Can|vas|sing [ kɛnvəsɪŋ ], das; s, s [engl. canvassing, zu: to canvass = (Wahl)werbung machen] (Politikjargon): das Von… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • canvassing — / kænvəsɪŋ/ noun the practice of asking people to buy, to vote, or to say what they think ● door to door canvassing ● canvassing techniques …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Canvassing — Canvass Can vass, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {canvassed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Canvassing}.] [OF. Canabasser to examine curiously, to search or sift out; properly, to sift through canvas. See {Canvas}, n.] 1. To sift; to strain; to examine thoroughly; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Canvassing — Can|vas|sing [ kænvəsiŋ] das; [s] <aus engl. canvassing »Wahl , Kundenwerbung« zu to canvass »(Wahl)werbung machen«> Wahlstimmenwerbung durch persönliche Hausbesuche prominenter Politiker …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Canvassing — Stemmehvervning …   Danske encyklopædi

  • canvassing — can·vas·sing s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} tecnica di persuasione basata sulla propaganda capillare {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1955. ETIMO: der. di (to) canvass, ant. passare al setaccio poi criticare, sollecitare (voti) , da canvas canapa …   Dizionario italiano

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