Community policing — or neighbourhood policing is a policing strategy and philosophy based on the notion that community interaction and support can help control crime, with community members helping to identify suspects, detain vandals and bring problems to the… … Wikipedia
community policing — noun The provision of police officers in an area who are either from the area or are well known to the residents • • • Main Entry: ↑community * * * community policing [community policing] noun [U] a sys … Useful english dictionary
community policing — N UNCOUNT Community policing is a system in which policemen work only in one particular area of the community, so that everyone knows them … English dictionary
Community Policing (Schweiz) — Bei Community Policing (CP) geht es im Wesentlichen um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Polizei und der Bevölkerung zur Erkennung und Lösung von gemeinschaftlichen Problemen. Dieser anspruchsvolle Ansatz polizeilicher Arbeit setzt ein ungetrübtes… … Deutsch Wikipedia
community policing — /kəmjunəti pəˈlisɪŋ/ (say kuhmyoohnuhtee puh leesing) noun a policing policy involving cooperation between police and a broad range of community organisations and representatives in forming arrangements for community safety …
Policing in the United States — is one of three major components of the criminal justice system, along with courts and corrections. Although there exists an inherent interrelatedness between the different groups that make up the criminal justice system based on their crime… … Wikipedia
community po|lic|ing — «puh LEE sihng», the practice of using police officers to patrol a beat on foot and maintain public order in an area: »The new chief is promoting community policing, which encourages contact between officers and the neighborhoods they patrol… … Useful english dictionary
Community Beat Manager — A Community Beat Manager (CBM) is a police officer within the British Police s territorial police forces, such as the Metropolitan Police Service and Greater Manchester Police. The CBM is usually responsible for a particular neighbourhood or area … Wikipedia
Policing in Belgium — The Belgian police is the government agency charged with upholding the law and public order in Belgium. It is an integrated police service structured on the federal and local levels. Both forces are autonomous and subordinate to different… … Wikipedia
community-oriented policing — A philosophy that combines traditional aspects of law enforcement with prevention measures, problem solving, community engagement, and community partnerships. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. community oriented policing … Law dictionary