Browning,Elizabeth Barrett
- Browning,Elizabeth Barrett
Brown·ing (brouʹnĭng), Elizabeth Barrett. 1806-1861.
British poet.
Overcoming ill health and the jealous objections of her tyrannical father,
she eloped to Italy with Robert Browning and married him in 1846.
Her greatest work,
Sonnets from the Portuguese (
is a sequence of love poems written to her husband.
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Browning, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert — (1806 1889) • Elizabeth Barrett, 1806 1861 The daughter of a despotic father who owed his wealth to plantations in Jamaica, Elizabeth spent her childhood in Worcestershire, but illness struck when she was fifteen and left her an invalid.… … British and Irish poets
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett — orig. Elizabeth Barrett born March 6, 1806, near Durham, Durham, Eng. died June 29, 1861, Florence British poet. Though she was an invalid who was afraid to meet strangers, her poetry became well known in literary circles with the publication of… … Universalium
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett — ► (1806 61) Poetisa británica, autora de delicados versos (Sonetos del portugués, 1847). Entre sus otras obras destaca Cosa Guidi windows (1851). * * * orig. Elizabeth Barrett (6 mar. 1806, cerca de Durham, Inglaterra–29 jun. 1861, Florencia,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett — (1806 1861) Poetess, was the dau. of Edward Barrett Moulton Barrett, who assumed the last name on succeeding to the estates of his grandfather in Jamaica. She was b. at Coxhoe Hall, Durham, but spent her youth at Hope End, near Great Malvern.… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT — , née BARRETT poetess, born at Carlton Hall, Durham; a woman of great natural abilities, which developed early; suffered from injury to her spine; went to Torquay for her health; witnessed the death by drowning of a brother, that gave her a … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Elizabeth Barrett — Browning Pour les articles homonymes, voir Barrett et Browning. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Elizabeth Barrett Br … Wikipédia en Français
Elizabeth Barrett Browning — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning (6 de marzo de 1806 – 29 de junio de 1861) era un miembro de la familia Barrett y … Wikipedia Español
Elizabeth Barrett-Browning — Grab auf dem Cimitero degli Inglesi in Florenz Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Moulton) (* 6. März 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Elizabeth Barrett Browning — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Barrett et Browning. Elizabeth Barrett Browning … Wikipédia en Français
Elizabeth Barrett Browning — noun English poet best remembered for love sonnets written to her husband Robert Browning (1806 1861) • Syn: ↑Browning • Instance Hypernyms: ↑poet * * * Elizabeth Barrett Browning [Elizabeth Barrett Browning] … Useful english dictionary