motte and bailey

motte and bailey

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  • motte and bailey — see under ↑motte2 • • • Main Entry: ↑bailey motte and bailey noun (historical) A type of fortification commonly built by the Normans, with a keep built on a mound surrounded by a walled bailey • • • Main Entry: ↑motte …   Useful english dictionary

  • Motte-and-bailey — A motte and bailey is a form of castle, with a wooden or stone keep situated on a raised earthwork called a motte, accompanied by an enclosed courtyard, or bailey, surrounded by a protective ditch an …   Wikipedia

  • Motte and Bailey — Modell einer normannischen Motte im Museum von Bayeux Eine Motte (frz. motte „Klumpen“, „Erdsode“) ist ein vorwiegend in Holzbauweise errichteter Burgtyp, dessen Hauptmerkmal ein künstlich angelegter Erdhügel mit einem meist turmförmigen Gebäude… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Motte And Bailey — This isn t part of a castle it is the predecessor to the castle. A Motte and Bailey was an early form of castle where a large mound of dirt was built up then a wooden fortification was placed on top. This wooden fortification was in the shape of… …   Medieval glossary

  • motte-and-bailey castle — ˌmotte and ˌbailey ˈcastle 7 noun an old type of castle that consists of a ↑fort on a small hill surrounded by an outer wall   Culture: castles [castles motte and bailey castle …   Useful english dictionary

  • motte and bailey — noun the predecessor of the castle, having a raised earth mound (the motte) topped with a tower (or donjon), and a wooden ring …   Wiktionary

  • motte and bailey — m Castillo normando que consistнa en un montнculo (motte) rodeado de una muralla exterior (bailey) …   Diccionario de Construcción y Arquitectur

  • Motte and bailey — Type of castle built by the Normans in England: a fort was built atop a motte, i.e. a raised mound of earth, surrounded by a *bailey …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • motte and bailey — noun a type of castle built in Britain by the Normans, consisting of a motte at the foot of which was an enclosed court …  

  • motte and bailey — noun Date: 1900 a medieval Norman castle consisting of two connecting ditched stockaded mounds with the higher mound surmounted by the keep and the lower one containing barracks and other buildings …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Motte-et-Bailey — Motte castrale Le château à motte de Saint Sylvain d Anjou, reconstitution d une motte du XIe siècle La motte castrale est un ouvrage de défense médiéval ancien, composé d un rehaussement important de terre rapportée de forme circulaire, la motte …   Wikipédia en Français

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