
n [U]
a type of pop music played in the 1990s by white British groups such as Blur, Oasis and Pulp. They were influenced by British groups from the 1960s like the Beatles and the Kinks, and play short, simple songs with strong tunes and words full of clever humour.

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 movement of British rock bands in the 1990s that drew consciously on the tradition of melodic, guitar-based British pop music established by the Beatles (Beatles, the). Like nearly all musical youth trends, Britpop was about songs, guitars, jackets, and attitudesthough not necessarily in that order. It was perhaps not so much a movement as a simultaneous emergence of fairly like minds, given shape and direction by the determined boosting of the English music weekly the New Musical Express (NME)—which referred to Paul Weller of the Jam (Jam, the) asthe Modfather of Britpop.” Indeed, many of those most associated with the term resisted the pigeonhole it offered.

      Various peripheral bands were involved in Britpopmost enjoyably, Pulp, from Sheffield, which was fronted by the lanky veteran rocker Jarvis Cocker (b. Sept. 19, 1963, Sheffield, Eng.) and had its biggest hit with the single "Common People" —but it was essentially about Oasis and Blur. What the two bands had in common was a belief in the classic guitar-based pop song with a sing-along chorusand a love of fashionable sportswear. Their attitudes were quite different, though. While both reached back to British pop's golden age of the 1960s, each had a different take on the inheritance.

      Oasis stood for authenticity. At heart the band was two brothers from Manchester, guitarist-songwriter Noel Gallagher (in full Noel Thomas David Gallagher; b. May 29, 1967, Manchester) and singer Liam Gallagher (byname of William John Paul Gallagher; b. Sept. 21, 1972, Manchester). They were northern, working-class, and swimming in illegal drugs and the same kind of romantic aggressiveness as their hero John Lennon (Lennon, John). Founded in 1992, Oasis released its first single, "Supersonic," in 1994. Their biggest hit was the album (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (1995) and its best-known track, "Wonderwall." Oasis toured the United States; they fought; they entered into disastrous marriages, bought big houses, and took more drugs; and by the late 1990s they had faded into a rut of same-sounding songs.

      Blur's take on the pop past borrowed from its reservoir of irony and art school campthe Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones, the)' Mick Jagger's makeup and Lennon's whimsies. They were from Essex, the exurban flatlands that separate London from the North Sea. Formed in 1989 and driven by singer Damon Albarn (b. May 23, 1968, London, Eng.) and bassist Alex James (b. Nov. 21, 1968, Bourneouth, Eng.), Blur had minor success as anindieband before finding its place with its third album, Parklife (1994), a collection of witty, seemingly light pop songs that held echoes of the Kinks (Kinks, the), the Small Faces (see Rod Stewart (Stewart, Rod)), and Squeeze (see new wave). Outgunned and outsold by Oasis in the great Britpop war of 1996, which was reported on by even Britain's leading newspapers, Blur retreated into the angry art dislocation of their eponymous album (1997) before slowly reemerging via the new popism of 13 (1999).

Peter Silverton

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Universalium. 2010.

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