(in full British Nuclear Fuels)
an international company that produces nuclear fuel and processes nuclear waste so that it can be used again. It is based at Sellafield in north-west England.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
BNFL — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda BNFL s 18 UK sites BNFL, British Nuclear Fuels plc (Combustibles Nucleares de Gran Bretaña), es una compañía internacional, poseída por el gobierno británico y que se preocupa por la energía nuclear. Manufactura y… … Wikipedia Español
BNFL — (British Nuclear Fuels) international company under the ownership of the British government that provides nuclear power related services in Europe and Asia and North America (it manufactures and conveys fuel , operates reactors, generates and… … English contemporary dictionary
BNFL — Infobox Company company name = British Nuclear Fuels plc company company type = Public (government owned) foundation = 1971 (as British Nuclear Fuels Limited) location = Daresbury, England key people = area served = industry = products = revenue … Wikipedia
BNFL — British Nuclear Fuels Limited British Nuclear Fuels Limited ou BNFL est une entreprise productrice d électricité britannique fondée en 1971 à partir de la division production de l Autorité britannique de l énergie atomique. Elle exploite des… … Wikipédia en Français
BNFL — Lagekarte aller 18 Anlagen der BNFL British Nuclear Fuels plc (kurz BNFL) ist ein staatliches britisches Unternehmen, das Produkte und Dienstleistungen im nuklearen Brennstoffkreislauf anbietet. Das Spektrum umfasst unter anderem die Planung und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
BNFL — abbrev British Nuclear Fuels plc (orig Limited) * * * BNFL [BNFL] (in full British Nuclear Fuels) an international company that produces nuclear fuel and processes nuclear waste so that it can be used again. It is based at ↑Sellafield in north… … Useful english dictionary
BNFL — British Nuclear Fuels Ltd … Acronyms
BNFL — British Nuclear Fuels Ltd … Acronyms von A bis Z
BNFL — abbr. British Nuclear Fuels Limited … Dictionary of abbreviations
BNFL — nucl. abbr. British Nuclear Fuels Limited … United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms