- Anglo-Irish Treaty
the agreement that formally ended the Troubles in Northern Ireland in 1921.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Anglo-Irish Treaty — The Anglo Irish Treaty ( ga. An Conradh Angla Éireannach), officially called the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty Between Great Britain and Ireland, was a treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and representatives of the de facto… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Irish Treaty Dáil vote — The Anglo Irish Treaty was signed in London on 6 December 1921. Dáil Éireann voted on the treaty on 7 January 1922, following a debate through late December 1921 and into January 1922. ResultOf the 125 Teachtaí Dála (TDs), 121 cast their vote in… … Wikipedia
IRA and the Anglo-Irish Treaty — The Irish Republican Army was a guerrilla army that fought the Irish War of Independence against Britain from 1919–1921. It saw itself as the legitimate army of the Irish Republic declared in 1919. The Anglo Irish Treaty, which ended this… … Wikipedia
(the) Anglo-Irish Treaty — the Anglo Irish Treaty [the Anglo Irish Treaty] the agreement that formally ended the Troubles in Northern Ireland in 1921 … Useful english dictionary
Anglo-Irish Treaty — … Useful english dictionary
Anglo-Irish — was a term used historically to describe a privileged social class in Ireland, whose members were the descendants and successors of the Protestant Ascendancy [ [http://multitext.ucc.ie/d/The Anglo Irish The Anglo Irish , Fidelma Maguire,… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Irish Trade Agreement — The Anglo Irish Trade Agreement was signed on 25 April 1938 by Ireland and the United Kingdom. It aimed to resolve the Anglo Irish Trade War which had been on going from 1933. The treaty stated that the 20% tariffs that both the United Kingdom… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Irish Trade War — The Anglo Irish Trade War (also called the Economic War ) was a retaliatory trade war between the Irish Free State and the United Kingdom (UK) lasting from 1933 until 1938. It involved the refusal of the Irish Government to continue to reimburse… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Irish Agreement — The Anglo Irish Agreement was an agreement between the United Kingdom and Ireland which aimed to bring an end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The treaty gave the Irish Government an advisory role in Northern Ireland s government while… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Irish War — the formal name for the Troubles in Northern Ireland between 1919 and 1921. It involved violent fighting between the IRA and the Black and Tans and was brought to an end by the Anglo Irish Treaty, which recognized the establishment of the… … Universalium