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colonies — ● colonies nom féminin pluriel Nom donné aux anciens empires coloniaux : Aller vivre aux colonies … Encyclopédie Universelle
colonies — index possessions Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
colonies — (nos): S attrister quand on en parle … Dictionnaire des idées reçues
Colonies — Empire colonial Les grandes métropoles européennes ont développé des empires coloniaux qui, cumulés, ont couvert les territoires de la quasi totalité du globe, à l exception de certains pays qui ont pratiqué une politique d isolement volontaire,… … Wikipédia en Français
Colonies — The Dutch overseas empire comprised a network of trade centers that in some cases developed into colonies where Eu ropean emigrants settled. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the colonies were controlled by the Dutch East India Company and… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
Colonies — Colony Col o*ny (k[o^]l [ o]*n[y^]), n.; pl. {Colonies} (k[o^]l [ o]*n[i^]z). [L. colonia, fr. colonus farmer, fr. colere to cultivate, dwell: cf. F. colonie. Cf. {Culture}.] 1. A company of people transplanted from their mother country to a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Colonies — /ˈkɒləniz/ (say koluhneez) plural noun US the, those British colonies that formed the original thirteen states of America: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia,… …
Colonies-Unies d’Amérique — Treize colonies Histoire des États Unis Civilisations précolombiennes … Wikipédia en Français
Colonies israéliennes — Colonie israélienne Sionisme … Wikipédia en Français
Colonies juives — Colonie israélienne Sionisme … Wikipédia en Français
Colonies in antiquity — The Mediterranean in ca. the 6th century BC. Phoenician cities are labelled in yellow, Greek cities in red, and other cities in grey. Colonies in antiquity were city states founded from a mother city its metropolis [1] , not from a territory at… … Wikipedia