Act of Supremacy

Act of Supremacy
(in Britain) an Act of Parliament in 1534 that made King Henry VIII the head of the Church of England. This left the Pope with no power in England.

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  • Act of Supremacy — Die Suprematsakte (engl. Act of Supremacy) ist ein am 3. November 1534 vom englischen Parlament erlassenes Gesetz, das König Heinrich VIII. zum Oberhaupt der Kirche in England machte. Damit wurde die anglikanische Staatskirche geschaffen, die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Act of Supremacy 1558 — The Act of Supremacy 1558 (1 Eliz, c. 1) was an Act of the Parliament of England, passed under the auspices of Queen Elizabeth I of England. It replaced the original Act of Supremacy 1534 issued by Elizabeth s father, Henry VIII, which arrogated… …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Supremacy 1559 — The Act of Supremacy 1559 (1 Eliz, c. 1) was an Act of the Parliament of England, passed under the auspices of Queen Elizabeth I of England. It replaced the original Act of Supremacy 1534 issued by Elizabeth s father, Henry VIII, which arrogated… …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Supremacy — An English statute establishing the supremacy of the king over the church …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • act of supremacy — English act of Parliament (1534) under Henry VIII of England that declared and recognize him the only supreme head of the Church in England …   English contemporary dictionary

  • (the) Act of Supremacy — the Act of Supremacy [the Act of Supremacy] (in Britain) an ↑Act of Parliament in 1534 that made King ↑Henry VIII the head of the ↑Church of England. This left the Pope with no power in England …   Useful english dictionary

  • supremacy — The state of being supreme, or in the highest station of power; paramount authority; sovereignty; sovereign power. @ act of supremacy The English statute 1 Eliz., c. 1, whereby the supremacy and autonomy of the crown in spiritual or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • supremacy — n. (pl. ies) 1 the state of being supreme. 2 the highest authority. Phrases and idioms: Act of Supremacy an act securing ecclesiastical supremacy to the Crown and excluding the authority of the Pope …   Useful english dictionary

  • Supremacy, Act of — (1534) English act of Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. The act also required an oath of loyalty from English subjects that recognized his marriage to Anne Boleyn. It was repealed in 1555 under… …   Universalium

  • supremacy — See act of supremacy; supremacy clause …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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