
Common Semitic noun *ʿamm-, paternal kinsman, kin, clan, people.
a. Jeroboam, from Hebrew yārobʿām, the (divine) kinsman increased (yārob, he increased; see rbb);
b. Rehoboam, from Hebrew rəḥabʿām, the (divine) kinsman has increased (rəḥab, he has increased; see rḥb). Both a and b from Hebrew ʿām, people, clan (earlier also “kinsman”).
2. Ammonite, from Hebrew ʿammônî, Ammonite, from ʿammôn, Ammon, perhaps from Canaanite *ʿamm, paternal kinsman, kin.
3. Hammurabi, from Akkadian ḫammurāpi, from Amorite *ʿammu-rāpiʾ, the (divine) kinsman (is) a healer, from *ʿammu, kinsman (*rāpiʾ, healer; see rpʾ).

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Universalium. 2010.

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