
To speak, talk. O-grade form *swor-.
a. swear, from Old English swerian, to swear, proclaim, from Germanic *swarjan;
b. answer, from Old English andswaru, answer, from Germanic *and-swarō, “a swearing against,” “rebuttal” (*andi-, against; see ant-).
[Pokorny 1. su̯er- 1049.]

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  • an´swer|a|ble|ness — an|swer|a|ble «AN suhr uh buhl, AHN », adjective. 1. responsible or accountable (to someone for something): »The club treasurer is held answerable to the club for the money given to him. SYNONYM(S): liable, amenable. 2. that can be answered:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • an|swer|a|ble — «AN suhr uh buhl, AHN », adjective. 1. responsible or accountable (to someone for something): »The club treasurer is held answerable to the club for the money given to him. SYNONYM(S): liable, amenable. 2. that can be answered: »That question is… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • un|an´swer|a|ble|ness — un|an|swer|a|ble «uhn AN suhr uh buhl», adjective. 1. that cannot be answered; not admitting of any answer or reply: »an unanswerable argument. What remarks he could have made sarcastic, bitter, unanswerable (Arnold Bennett). 2. that cannot be… …   Useful english dictionary

  • un|an|swer|a|ble — «uhn AN suhr uh buhl», adjective. 1. that cannot be answered; not admitting of any answer or reply: »an unanswerable argument. What remarks he could have made sarcastic, bitter, unanswerable (Arnold Bennett). 2. that cannot be disproved: »an… …   Useful english dictionary

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