
Derivatives include four, squad, quarantine, and farthing.
I. O-grade form *kʷetwor-.
a. four, from Old English fēower, four;
b. forty, from Old English fēowertig, forty;
c. fourteen; fortnight, from Old English fēowertēne, fourteen (-tēne, ten; see dekm̥). a-c all from Germanic *fe(d)wor-, probably from *kʷetwor-.
2. quatrain; cater-cornered, quattrocento, from Latin quattuor, four.
3. czardas, from Old Iranian cathwārō, four.
II. Multiplicatives *kʷeturs, *kʷetrus, and combining forms *kʷetur-, *kʷetru-.
1. cahier, carillon, carnet, casern, quaternary, quaternion, quire1, from Latin quater, four times.
2. cadre, quadrate, quadrille1, quarrel2, quarry2; escadrille, squad, square, trocar, from Latin quadrum, square.
3. quadri-, from Latin quadri-, four.
4. quadrant, from Latin quadrāns, a fourth part.
5. quarantine, from Latin quadrāgintā, forty (-gintā, ten times; see dekm̥).
6. quadricentenary, from Latin quadri(n)gentī, four hundred.
7. Variant form *kʷet(w)r̥-.
a. tetra-, from Greek tetra-, four;
b. tessera; diatessaron, from Greek tessares, tettares, four;
c. tetrad, from Greek tetras, group of four;
d. zero-grade form *kʷt(w)r̥-. trapezium, from Greek tra-, four.
III. Ordinal adjective *kʷetur-to-.
a. fourth, from Old English fēortha, fēowertha, fourth;
b. firkin, from Middle Dutch veerde, fourth;
c. farthing, from Old English fēorthing, fēorthung, fourth part of a penny;
d. filler2, from Old High German fiordo, fourth. a-d all from Germanic *fe(d)worthōn-.
2. quadrille2, quadroon, quart, quartan, quarter, quarto, from Latin quārtus, fourth, quarter.
[Pokorny kᵘ̯etu̯er- 642.]

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