
To tear apart, cleave.
Derivatives include clever and hieroglyphic.
I. Basic form *gleubh-.
1. cleave1, from Old English clēofan, to split, cleave, from Germanic *kleuban.
2. Probably o-grade form *gloubh-. clever, from Middle English cliver, nimble, skillful, perhaps akin to East Frisian klüfer, klifer, skillful, and Old Norse kleyfr, easy to split, from Germanic *klaubri-.
II. Zero-grade form *glubh-.
a. clove2, from Old English clufu, clove (of garlic);
b. kloof, from Middle Dutch clove, a cleft;
c. clevis, from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse klofi, a cleft. a-c all from Germanic *klub-, a splitting.
2. cleft, from Old English geclyft, fissure, from Germanic *klufti- (*klub-ti-).
3. glyph, glyptic; anaglyph, hieroglyphic, from Greek gluphein, to carve.
4. Suffixed zero-grade form *glubh-mā-. glume, from Latin glūma, husk of grain.
[Pokorny gleubh- 401.]

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