
Tooth, nail. Oldest form *g̑embh-, becoming *gembh- in centum languages.
Derivatives include comb, unkempt, and gem.
1. Suffixed o-grade form *gombh-o-.
(i) comb, kame, from Old English comb, camb, comb;
(ii) cam, from Dutch kam, cog, comb;
(iii) unkempt, from Old English cemban, to comb, from Germanic denominative *kambjan, to comb. (i)-(iii) all from Germanic *kambaz, comb;
b. gomphosis, from Greek gomphos, tooth, peg, bolt.
2. Suffixed zero-grade form *gm̥bh-ōn-. oakum, from Old English ā-cumba, part of flax separated in hackling, oakum (“stuff combed off” ā-, away, off).
3. Perhaps Germanic *kimb-. chime2, from Old English cim-, cimb-, rim (only in compounds),
4. Possibly suffixed form *gembh-mā-. gem, gemma, gemmate, gemmule, from Latin gemma, bud, hence gem.
[Pokorny g̑embh- 369.]

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