
I. bhā-1
To shine. Oldest form *bheə₂-, colored to *bhaə₂-, contracted to *bhā-.
Derivatives include beacon, berry, banner, fantasy, and phase.
1. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhə-w-.
a. beacon, from Old English bēac(e)n, beacon;
b. beckon, from Old English bēcnan, bīecnan, to make a sign, beckon, from Germanic denominative *bauknjan;
c. buoy, from Old French boue, buoy. a-c all from Germanic *baukna-, beacon, signal.
2. Perhaps Germanic *bazja-, berry (< “bright-colored fruit”).
a. berry; mulberry, from Old English berie, berige, berry, and Old High German beri, berry;
b. frambesia, from Old French framboise, raspberry, alteration of Frankish *brām-besi, “bramble berry.”
a. bandoleer, from Spanish banda, sash;
b. banderilla, banderole, banner, banneret1, banneret2, from Late Latin bandum, banner, standard. Both a and b from Germanic *bandwa-, “identifying sign,” banner, standard, sash, alsocompany united under a (particular) banner.”
4. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhə-w-es-. phos-, phot, photo-; phosphorus, from Greek phōs (stem phōt-), light.
5. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhə-w-. Phaëthon, from Greek phaeithein, to shine, burn.
6. Extended and suffixed zero-grade form *bhə-n-yo-. fantasy, pant, -phane, phantasm, phantom, phase, pheno-, phenomenon; diaphanous, emphasis, epiphany, hierophant, phanerogam, Phanerozoic, phantasmagoria, phosphene, sycophant, theophany, tiffany, from Greek phainein, “to bring to light,” cause to appear, show, and phainesthai (passive), “to be brought to light,” appear, with zero-grade noun phasis (*bhə-ti-), an appearance.
[Pokorny 1. bhā- 104.]
  II. bhā-2
To speak. Oldest form *bheə₂-, colored to *bhaə₂-, contracted to *bhā-.
Derivatives include fate, infant, prophet, abandon, banish, symphony, confess, and blame.
2. -phasia; apophasis, prophet, from Greek phanai, to speak.
a. ban1, from Old English bannan, to summon, proclaim, and Old Norse banna, to prohibit, curse;
b. banal, banns; abandon, from Old French ban, feudal jurisdiction, summons to military service, proclamation, Old French bandon, power, and Old English gebann, proclamation;
c. banish, from Old French banir, to banish;
d. contraband, from Late Latin bannus, bannum, proclamation;
e. bandit, from Italian bandire, to muster, band together (< “to have been summoned”). a-e all from Germanic suffixed form *ban-wan, *bannan, to speak publicly (used of particular kinds of proclamation in feudal or prefeudal custom; “to proclaim under penalty, summon to the levy, declare outlaw”).
4. Suffixed form *bhā-ni-.
a. boon1, from Old Norse bōn, prayer, request;
b. bee1, perhaps from Old English bēn, prayer, from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse bōn, prayer. Both a and b from Germanic *bōni-.
5. Suffixed form *bhā-ma.
a. fame, famous; defame, infamous, from Latin fāma, talk, reputation, fame;
b. euphemism, Polyphemus, from Greek phēmē, saying, speech.
6. Suffixed o-grade form *bhō--. phone2, -phone, phoneme, phonetic, phono-, -phony; anthem, antiphon, aphonia, cacophonous, euphony, symphony, from Greek phōnē, voice, sound, and (denominative) phōnein, to speak.
7. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhə-to-. confess, profess, from Latin fatērī, to acknowledge, admit.
8. blame, blaspheme, from Greek blasphēmos, blasphemous, perhaps from *ml̥s-bhā-mo-, “speaking evil” (blas-, evil; see mel-3).
[Pokorny 2. bhā- 105.]

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