- upfront
upfront [up′frunt′]adj.1. very honest or forthright; open; candidadv.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
upfront — up‧front [ˌʌpˈfrʌnt◂] adjective upfront payment/cost/fee etc FINANCE money that is paid as soon as a deal has been agreed, before any work has been done or any goods have been supplied: • The company offered an upfront payment of 25% of his… … Financial and business terms
upfront — [up′frunt′] Informal adj. 1. very honest or forthright; open; candid 2. in or into the public eye; conspicuous [an upfront position] 3. invested, paid, etc., ahead of time; at the beginning [an upfront payment of $21,000] adv. ahead of time; in… … English World dictionary
upfront — (adj.) 1932 (two words) in the front, from UP (Cf. up) + FRONT (Cf. front). Meaning honest, open; paid in advance is from 1967 … Etymology dictionary
upfront — informal ► ADVERB (usu. up front) 1) at the front; in front. 2) (of a payment) in advance. ► ADJECTIVE 1) bold and frank. 2) (of a payment) made in advance … English terms dictionary
upfront — up|front1 [ˌʌpˈfrʌnt] adj 1.) [not before noun] behaving or talking in an honest way so that people know what you really think ▪ Mo s very upfront with him about their relationship. 2.) paid before any work has been done or before goods are… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Upfront — In the North American television industry, an upfront is a meeting of television network executives with the press and, more important, with major advertisers. It is so called because it signals the start of an important advertising sales period … Wikipedia
upfront — up|front [ ʌp frʌnt ] or ,up front adjective 1. ) upfront costs or payments are paid before you get the goods or services that you are buying 2. ) INFORMAL completely honest and not trying to hide anything: I wish she d been a little more upfront … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
upfront — UK [ʌpˈfrʌnt] / US adjective 1) informal completely honest and not trying to hide anything I wish she d been a bit more upfront with us. 2) upfront costs or payments are paid before you get the goods or services that you are buying • See: up… … English dictionary
upfront — 1. adjective a) honest, frank and straightforward b) In a forward, leading or frontward position. 2. adverb a) befo … Wiktionary
upfront — adj. Upfront is used with these nouns: ↑cost, ↑fee, ↑investment, ↑payment … Collocations dictionary