- Thyestean banquet
n.〚in allusion to the Greek tale that after Thyestes seduced Atreus' wife, Atreus murdered Thyestes' sons and served them to him at a feast〛a banquet at which human flesh is served
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Thyestean banquet — or Thyestean feast [thī es′tē ən, thī es′tē ən, thī΄es tē′ən, thī΄es tē′ən] n. [in allusion to the Greek tale that after Thyestes seduced Atreus wife, Atreus murdered Thyestes sons and served them to him at a feast] a banquet at which human flesh … English World dictionary
Thyestean banquet — or Thyestean meal, a repast at which human flesh is served; cannibal feast … Useful english dictionary
Thyestean meal — Thyestean banquet or Thyestean meal, a repast at which human flesh is served; cannibal feast … Useful english dictionary
Thyestean — a. pertaining to Thyestes, in Greek legend, whose sons were killed and served to him at a banquet by his brother. ♦ Thyestean banquet, one at which human flesh is eaten … Dictionary of difficult words
thyestean — (ˈ)thī|estēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Thyestes, ancient Greek legendary character who at a banquet unwittingly ate the flesh of his own sons (from Latin, from Greek Thyestēs) + English an : of or relating to the eating of… … Useful english dictionary
Thyestes — /θaɪˈɛstiz/ (say thuy esteez) noun Greek Legend son of Pelops and brother of Atreus. He seduced his brother s wife, in revenge for which Atreus slew Thyestes sons and served them to their father at a banquet. –Thyestean /θaɪˈɛstiən/ (say thuy… …