
switch-hitter [swich′hit′ər ]
1. a baseball player who can bat from either side of home plate, usually batting right-handed against a left-handed pitcher and left-handed against a right-handed pitcher
2. Informal a person who is competent in two different jobs, specialties, roles, etc.
3. Slang a person who engages in sexual activities with both sexes; bisexual

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  • switch hitter — noun 1. A baseball player who is able to bat right handed or left handed 2. A bisexual (N Am sl) • • • Main Entry: ↑switch …   Useful english dictionary

  • switch-hitter — ☆ switch hitter [swich′hit′ər ] n. 1. a baseball player who can bat from either side of home plate, usually batting right handed against a left handed pitcher and left handed against a right handed pitcher 2. Informal a person who is competent in …   English World dictionary

  • Switch hitter — This article is about the term in baseball. For the cricket term, see Switch hit. For the Arrested Development episode, see Switch Hitter. In baseball, a switch hitter is a player who bats both right handed and left handed. Contents 1 Baseball 2… …   Wikipedia

  • switch-hitter — noun 1. a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: ↑switch hit • Hypernyms: ↑batter, ↑hitter, ↑slugger, ↑batsman 2. slang term for a bisexual person …   Useful english dictionary

  • Switch Hitter — Infobox Arrested Development episode episode name = Switch Hitter episode no = 2AJD07 airdate = January 16, 2005 writer = Story by Courtney Lilly, Teleplay by Barbara Feldman director = Paul Feig on the next = Maeby gets her father a job, and… …   Wikipedia

  • switch-hitter — n. a ballplayer who bats either right handed or left handed. (Baseball.) D Monty is a switch hitter, but he’s batting right handed today. □ I’m not a switch hitter. In fact, I can hardly hit the ball at all …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • switch hitter — n A homosexual. He s definitely a switch hitter. 1970s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

  • switch-hitter — switch′ hit′ter n. 1) spo a baseball player who switch hits 2) sts sl. a person who is sexually attracted to both sexes; bisexual • Etymology: 1950–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • switch-hitter —    a person with both homosexual and heterosexual tastes    From the American ambidextrous baseball player. In obsolete British use, to switch was to copulate, along with to swinge and to swive (Grose).    o switch on means to excite sexually,… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • switch-hitter — noun Date: 1928 1. a baseball player who switch hits 2. slang bisexual 3. one that is flexible or adaptable; especially a person who can work equally well in either of two jobs or capacities …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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