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stenohygric — [sten΄əhī′grik] adj. [ STENO + HYGR + IC] Biol. able to withstand only a narrow range of humidity: opposed to EURYHYGRIC … English World dictionary
stenohygric — adj. [Gr. stenos, narrow; hygros, moist] Pertaining to an organism tolerating only a narrow atmospheric humidity range … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
euryhygric — [yoor΄ihī grik, yoor΄əhī′grik] adj. 〚 EURY + HYGR + IC〛 Biol. able to withstand a wide range of humidity: opposed to STENOHYGRIC * * * … Universalium
euryhygric — [yoor΄ihī grik, yoor΄əhī′grik] adj. [ EURY + HYGR + IC] Biol. able to withstand a wide range of humidity: opposed to STENOHYGRIC … English World dictionary