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BRAHE Tycho — stirpe nobili natus, A. C. 1546. Daniâ, natali solô, relictâ, in Germaniam abiit, ibique Mathematicis Artibus, Astronomiae praesertim, eô successu se dedit totum, ut brevi Astronomorum princeps evaserit. Reversus in patriam sibi rusticam puellam… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Brahe, Tycho — born Dec. 14, 1546, Knudstrup, Scania, Den. died Oct. 24, 1601, Prague Danish astronomer. Kidnapped by his wealthy but childless uncle, he was raised at his uncle s castle and educated at the Universities of Copenhagen and Leipzig. He traveled… … Universalium
BRAHE, Tycho — (1546 1601) The founder of modern observational astronomy, Tycho Brahe led the transition from ancient to modern astronomy that occurred after the introduction of Nicolaus Copernicus s* heliocentric model of the universe. His reputation as the… … Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary
Brahe , Tycho — (1546–1601) Danish astronomer Tycho, whose father Otto was the governor of Helsingborg castle, was born in Knudstrup, Denmark. Kidnapped by and brought up by his uncle Jörgen, an admiral in the Danish navy, he was sent to Leipzig University in… … Scientists
Brahe, Tycho — (1546 1601) Danish astronomer, known primarily for his fresh and highly accurate observations of the orbits of the planets. After study at Copenhagen and several German universities, he settled in an isolated castle belonging to his family and … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Brahe, Tycho — ► (1546 1601) Astrónomo danés. Construyó un gran observatorio astronómico en la isla de Hveen, en el Báltico, importante centro científico. Su importancia radica en la sistematización de las mediciones astronómicas realizadas hasta entonces. * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
BRAHÉ, TYCHO — a Swedish astronomer, of noble birth; spent his life in the study of the stars; discovered a new star in Cassiopeia; had an observatory provided for him on an island in the Sound by the king, where he made observations for 20 years; he was, on … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
BRAHE, Tycho — (1546 1601) Danish astronomer noted for his work in confirming the COPERNICAN view of the UNIVERSE which he subsequently modified … Concise dictionary of Religion
Brahe Tycho — n. (1546 1601) Danish astronomer … English contemporary dictionary
Brahe, Tycho — (1546 AD 1601 AD) This Danish astronomer made the most accurate observations of the positions of celestial objects to date, including our solar system and over 700 stars. His data was the most accurate until the invention of the telescope in… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology