- shaggy dog (story)
n.〚from such an anecdote involving a shaggy dog〛a long, rambling joke, typically involving ludicrously unreal or irrational behavior and usually having an irrelevant conclusion
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Shaggy Dog Story (TV) — Shaggy Dog Story was a charity programme for Children in Need, put together by the BBC in 1999 as a sequel to the previous year s Future Generations video (featuring chilcren s programmes), and the great success of 1997 s Perfect Day charity… … Wikipedia
shaggy dog (story) — or shaggy dog n. [from such an anecdote involving a shaggy dog] a long, rambling joke, typically involving ludicrously unreal or irrational behavior and usually having an irrelevant conclusion … English World dictionary
shaggy dog (story) — or shaggy dog n. [from such an anecdote involving a shaggy dog] a long, rambling joke, typically involving ludicrously unreal or irrational behavior and usually having an irrelevant conclusion … English World dictionary
shaggy dog story — A shaggy dog story is a joke which is a long story with a silly end … The small dictionary of idiomes
shaggy-dog story — ► shaggy dog story a long, rambling story or joke, amusing only because it is absurdly inconsequential. Main Entry: ↑shaggy … English terms dictionary
shaggy dog story — shaggy dog .story n old fashioned a long joke that usually ends in a silly or disappointing way … Dictionary of contemporary English
shaggy dog story — shaggy dog ,story noun count a very long joke that ends in a silly way … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Shaggy dog story — In its original sense, a shaggy dog story is an extremely long winded tale featuring extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents, usually resulting in a pointless or absurd punchline. These stories are a special case of yarns, coming… … Wikipedia
shaggy-dog story — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ noun 1. a. : a long drawn out circumstantial story concerning an inconsequential happening that impresses the teller as humorous but the hearer as boresome and pointless b. : a similar humorous story whose humor lies in the… … Useful english dictionary
shaggy dog story — noun a long rambling joke whose humor derives from its pointlessness • Hypernyms: ↑joke, ↑gag, ↑laugh, ↑jest, ↑jape * * * shaggy dog story UK US noun [countable] [singula … Useful english dictionary