sacrifice bunt
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sacrifice bunt — ☆ sacrifice bunt n. Baseball a bunt made by the batter so that a base runner is advanced while the batter is put out: see also AT BAT: also called sacrifice hit … English World dictionary
Sacrifice bunt — In baseball, a sacrifice bunt (also called a sacrifice hit) is the act of deliberately bunting the ball in a manner that allows a runner on base to advance to another base. The batter is almost always sacrificed (and to a certain degree that is… … Wikipedia
sacrifice bunt — noun a) A ball that has been intentionally hit softly with a hands spread batting stance with the intention of advancing a runner at the cost of an out The sacrifice bunt was fielded cleanly, but the only play was to first. b) The act of bunting… … Wiktionary
sacrifice bunt — noun : sacrifice hit * * * noun, pl ⋯ bunts [count] baseball : a bunt that allows a runner to go to the next base while the batter is put out called also sacrifice, sacrifice hit … Useful english dictionary
sacrifice bunt — n. (Baseball) bunt that puts a batter out to advance the runner … English contemporary dictionary
Sacrifice — (from a Middle English verb meaning to make sacred , from Old French, from Latin sacrificium : sacr , sacred + facere , to make ) is commonly known as the practice of offering food, objects (typically valuables), or the lives of animals or people … Wikipedia
sacrifice — [sak′rə fīs΄] n. [OFr < L sacrificium < sacer, SACRED + facere, to make, DO1] 1. a) the act of offering the life of a person or animal, or some object, in propitiation of or homage to a deity b) something so offered 2 … English World dictionary
Bunt (baseball) — A Little League baseball player squares around to bunt. A bunt is a special type of offensive technique in baseball or fastpitch softball. In a bunt play, the batter loosely holds the bat in front of the plate and intentionally taps the ball into … Wikipedia
sacrifice — sacrificeable, adj. sacrificer, n. /sak reuh fuys /, n., v., sacrificed, sacrificing. n. 1. the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage. 2. the person, animal, or thing so… … Universalium
Sacrifice (disambiguation) — A sacrifice is the practice of offering food, or the lives of animals or people to the gods, as an act of propitiation or worship.Sacrifice may also refer to:In games: * Sacrifice (bridge), a strategy in bridge * Sacrifice (chess), a move in… … Wikipedia