
Renfrewshire [Renfrewshir΄, Renfrewshər]
1. another name for RENFREW (the county)
2. administrative division of SW Scotland

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also called  Renfrew 

      council area and historic county, west-central Scotland, stretching along the south bank of the River Clyde in the north and along the shore of the Firth of Clyde in the west. It encompasses largely urbanized lowlands along the River Clyde and hills in the south and west. The council area lies entirely within the historic county of the same name, which covers a much larger area including the council areas of Inverclyde and East Renfrewshire.

      At the time of the Roman advance from the Solway Firth, the land was peopled by the Celtic British Damnonii. The Romans built forts at Bishopton and near Greenock to prevent the outflanking of the Antonine Wall. After the Romans retired (410), the Cumbrian Britons who inhabited Renfrewshire and the surrounding area formed the kingdom of Strathclyde, extending from the River Derwent in Cumberland to the Clyde. The kingdom fell under the control of the Scots (who had invaded from Ireland) and lasted until 1124, when Strathclyde was finally united to the Scottish crown under King David I. In 1314 Walter Fitzalan, high steward of Scotland, who resided in Renfrew, married Marjory, daughter of King Robert the Bruce and mother of Robert II. In 1404 Robert III designated the barony of Renfrew and the Stuart estates a separate county.

      During the 17th and 18th centuries the growth in trade with the American colonies stimulated commerce and shipbuilding in Renfrewshire and neighbouring Glasgow, while the Industrial Revolution brought a rapid expansion in textile production in such centres as Paisley, beginning in the late 18th century. During the 19th century coal mining provided fuel for a growing iron and steel industry associated with the shipbuilding centres along the Clyde. During the 20th century, however, many of these traditional industries disappeared after a long decline.

      The Renfrewshire council area lies at the centre of the historic county. Most of its population live in the urban areas concentrated in the east near Glasgow, but it includes a rural, agricultural area in the west. In the urban part of the council area, centred on the towns of Paisley and Renfrew, new high-technology industries such as microelectronics and computer systems have alleviated the loss of the traditional heavy industries. Other economic activities include the manufacture of plastics and composites, engineering, chemicals, food processing, a large boilermaking works, and a range of service industries. In the rural areas dairy farming and vegetable cultivation are the main activities. Paisley is the administrative centre. Area council area, 101 square miles (262 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) council area, 169,590.

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