poète maudit

poète maudit
poète maudit [pō̂ et ′]
pl. poètes maudits [pō̂ et ′] Fr, cursed or damned poet
a poet who receives insufficient recognition in his or her own time

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poetic concept
      (French:accursed poet”), in literary criticism, the poet as an outcast of modern society, despised by its rulers who fear his penetrating insights into their spiritual emptiness. The phrase was first applied by Paul Verlaine (Verlaine, Paul) in Les Poètes maudits (1884), a collection of critical and biographical studies that focused on the tragedy of the lives of the then little-known Symbolist poets Tristan Corbière, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Stéphane Mallarmé, and Arthur Rimbaud. Verlaine may have taken les poètes maudits from Baudelaire's (Baudelaire, Charles) “Bénédiction,” in which a poet is described as untouched by the suffering and contempt he experiences. The term carries the implication of the low estate into which the poet has fallen from his ancient position as seer and prophet.

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