
See adopt.

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Universalium. 2010.

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Look at other dictionaries:

  • adoptability — noun see adopt …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • adoptability — noun The property of being adoptable …   Wiktionary

  • adoptability — n. ability to be adopted or taken in, ability to be embraced or espoused (of a person, idea, cause, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • adoptability — adopt·a·bil·i·ty …   English syllables

  • adoptability — əˌdäptəˈbiləd.ē noun ( es) : capability of being adopted …   Useful english dictionary

  • adoptable — adoptability, n. /euh dop teuh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of being adopted; suitable or eligible for adoption: an adoptable child; a resolution found to be adoptable. n. 2. a child who is considered suitable for adoption: fewer adoptables than in… …   Universalium

  • adopt — verb Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French adopter, from Latin adoptare, from ad + optare to choose Date: 1500 transitive verb 1. to take by choice into a relationship; especially to take voluntarily (a child of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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