
Bourke-White (bûrkʹhwītʹ, -wītʹ), Margaret. 1906-1971.
American photographer and writer. An editor of Life magazine (1936-1969), she photographed such diverse subjects as the rural South, Soviet life, and the release of concentration camp victims.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • BOURKE-WHITE, MARGARET — (Peg; 1904–1971), U.S. photojournalist. Bourke White was the daughter of Minnie Bourke, who was Irish English and a Catholic, and Joseph White, formerly Weiss, from an Orthodox Polish family. Born in the Bronx, the pioneering photographer, whose… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bourke-White, Margaret — born June 14, 1906, New York, N.Y., U.S. died Aug. 27, 1971, Stamford, Conn. U.S. photographer. She began her professional career as an industrial and architectural photographer in 1927. She gained a reputation for originality and in 1929 was… …   Universalium

  • Bourke-White, Margaret — (1904 1971)    Margaret White (she later added her mother’s name) was born in New York City. She studied at the University of Michigan and Cornell University, where she graduated with a degree in biology in 1927. She had already begun to develop… …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

  • Bourke-White, Margaret — (14 jun. 1906, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.–27 ago. 1971, Stamford, Conn.). Fotógrafa estadounidense. Inició su carrera profesional como fotógrafa industrial y de arquitectura en 1927. Adquirió fama por su originalidad, y en 1929 fue contratada por… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Margaret Bourke-White — Bourke White at home, 1964 Margaret Bourke White (  / …   Wikipedia

  • Margaret Bourke-White — April 1945: Margaret Bourke White vor Leichen im KZ Buchenwald; Foto von Lieutenant Colonel Parke O. Yingst …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Margaret bourke-white — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bourke (homonymie) et White. Margaret Bourke White, à son domicile, en janvier 1964 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Margaret Bourke-White — en su casa en 1964. Margaret Bourke White (1904 1971) nació en Nueva York el 14 de junio de 1904. Se interesó por la fotografía cuando estudiaba en la Universidad de Cornell. Fue alumna de Clarence H. White en la Universidad de Columbia y después …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bourke-White —   [ bəːk waɪt], Margaret, amerikanische Fotojournalistin, * New York 14. 6. 1904, ✝ Stamford (Connecticut) 27. 8. 1971; arbeitete 1936 42 für die Illustrierte »Life«. Sie verfasste eine Reportage über das KZ Buchenwald (1945) und stellte Serien… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Bourke-White — [bʉrk΄hwīt′] Margaret 1906 71; U.S. photojournalist …   English World dictionary

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