- mechanical tissue
n.a plant tissue made up of hard, thick-walled cells that add strength to an organ
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
mechanical tissue — n. a plant tissue made up of hard, thick walled cells that add strength to an organ … English World dictionary
mechanical tissue — noun : tissue serving as a supporting framework in plants compare parenchyma, prosenchyma * * * mechanical tissue noun Any tissue that gives a plant the power to resist stresses • • • Main Entry: ↑mechanic … Useful english dictionary
Mechanical engineering — Mechanical engineers design and build engines and power plants … Wikipedia
Tissue expansion — is a technique used by plastic and restorative surgeons to cause the body to grow additional skin, bone or other tissues. kin expansionKeeping living tissues under tension causes new cells to form and the amount of tissue to increase. In some… … Wikipedia
Tissue engineering — Principle of tissue engineering Tissue engineering was once categorized as a sub field of bio materials, but having grown in scope and importance it can be considered as a field in its own right. It is the use of a combination of cells,… … Wikipedia
Tissue (biology) — This article is about biological tissue. For other uses, see Tissue. Cross section of sclerenchyma fibers in plant ground tissue … Wikipedia
Tissue factor — Coagulation factor III (thromboplastin, tissue factor) PDB rendering based on 1ahw … Wikipedia
Mechanical ventilation — In architecture and climate control, mechanical or forced ventilation is the use of powered equipment, e.g. fans and blowers, to move air see ventilation (architecture). Mechanical ventilation Intervention … Wikipedia
mechanical ptosis — acquired ptosis due blepharochalasis or to the presence of a mass, such as a tumor of the eyelid or scar tissue, that weighs down the lid or interferes with movement … Medical dictionary
Oral mucosa tissue engineering — Tissue engineering of oral mucosa combines cells, materials and engineering to produce a three dimensional reconstruction of oral mucosa. It is meant to simulate the real anatomical structure and function of oral mucosa. Tissue engineered oral… … Wikipedia