
Lugano [lo͞o ]
1. city in S Switzerland: pop. 27,000
2. Lake lake on the Swiss-Italian border: c. 20 sq mi (52 sq km)

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(Italian),German  Lauis,  

      largest town in Ticino canton, southern Switzerland. It lies along Lake Lugano, northwest of Como, Italy; to the south is Mount San Salvatore (2,992 feet [912 m]), and to the east is Mount Brè (3,035 feet [925 m]). First mentioned in the 6th century, it was occupied in 1499 by the French and was taken in 1512 by the Swiss. The centre of Lugano canton of the Helvetic Republic from 1798 to 1803, it was then included in the newly formed Ticino canton and, with Locarno and Bellinzona, was one of the three cantonal capitals until 1878. In 1888 it became the seat of a bishop with jurisdiction over Italian-speaking Switzerland. During the struggle of 184866 to expel the Austrians from Lombardy, Lugano served as the headquarters for the Italian nationalist leader Giuseppe Mazzini.

      Lugano is Italian in appearance and character. The town's main landmarks are the 13th-century Cathedral of San Lorenzo; the former Franciscan Church of Santa Maria degli Angioli (c. 1499), with frescoes by Bernardino Luini; and the Villa Favorita (1687) in the suburb of Castagnola, housing one of Europe's greatest private art collections.

      Lugano lies along the St. Gotthard railway line. The town's chief sources of revenue are tourism and international finance, but there is some industry, including the manufacture of chocolate, cigarettes, silk, and machinery. The population is Italian-speaking and largely Roman Catholic. Pop. (1987 est.) 27,462.

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