
Leitrim [trəm]
county in Connacht province, in the N part of the Republic of Ireland: 589 sq mi (1,526 sq km); pop. 25,000

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Irish  Liatroim (Gray Ridge) 
 county in the province of Connaught (Connacht), Ireland. It is bounded by Northern Ireland (east) and Counties Donegal (north), Cavan (east), Longford (south), and Roscommon and Sligo (west). The southern part of the county is a lowland covered by glacial drifts; most of it is used as farmland, though there are peat bogs and many small lakes. The western boundary follows the River Shannon (Shannon, River), on which boats can ascend to Carrick-on-Shannon, the county town (seat). At Drumshanbo, close to Lough (lake) Allen, the terrain changes to a series of plateaus, mainly 1,400 to 1,800 feet (425 to 550 metres) high. There are relics of past ironworks in the south and some coal seams, with many traces of past mining. The plateaus are split up by a number of deep valleys, in one of which Lough Allen covers about 14 square miles (36 square km).

      The population of the county exceeded 150,000 before the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s. By the end of the 19th century, however, the county had fewer than 70,000 residents, and the population continued its steep decline into the 20th century. In the late 19th century several parts of the county ranked ascongested districtsbecause of their poverty, but the reduction of population made possible the union of farms into larger holdings. Much of the land is poor, with pasture as the main use. In the uplands there are sheep as well as cattle, but in the south cattle are the main stock. Potatoes and oats are the principal crops.

      The towns are small market centres. Less than one-fifth of the people live in towns and villages, of which the largest is Carrick-on-Shannon. The county has a county council and is united with Sligo under a county manager. Industries include textiles, electrical accessories, and automotive parts. Tourism also provides an important source of income.

      Leitrim formed part of the ancient kingdom of Bréifne, the country of the O'Rourkes. In 1588 Sir Brian O'Rourke sheltered 1,000 Spaniards after the Armada had been destroyed by the English fleet; for this he was driven from the country and executed in 1591. Area 614 square miles (1,590 square km). Pop. (2002) 25,799; (2006) 28,950.

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