
lalique [la lēk′, lälēk; ] Fr [ lȧlēk]
[also L-]
an art nouveau style of cut glass or crystal with figures of animals, flowers, etc. in relief

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  • LALIQUE (R.) — LALIQUE RENÉ (1860 1945) Décorateur, joaillier et verrier dont le nom est intimement lié au mouvement de renaissance des arts décoratifs qui a marqué la fin du XIXe siècle, René Lalique est l’un des artistes les plus représentatifs du style mis… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lalique — (René) (1860 1945) sculpteur et verrier d art français, représentant de l art nouveau …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lalique —   [la lik], René, französischer Goldschmied und Glaskünstler, * Ay (Département Marne) 6. 4. 1860, ✝ Paris 1. 5. 1945; schuf Schmuckstücke im Stil der Art nouveau, mit denen er in der Schmuckgestaltung neue Maßstäbe setzte. Sie sind häufig… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • lalique — [la lēk′, lälēk; ] Fr [ lȧlēk] n. [also L ] an art nouveau style of cut glass or crystal with figures of animals, flowers, etc. in relief …   English World dictionary

  • Lalique — René Lalique Beleuchtete Automobil Kühlerfigur aus Glas von René Lalique René Jules Lalique (* 6. April 1860 in Ay in der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lalique — noun A style of Art Nouveau glassware and jewelry/jewellery; properly, that from the Lalique factory …   Wiktionary

  • Lalique glass — /la lēkˈ gläs/ noun Ornamental glassware, esp with bas relief decoration of figures, flowers, etc ORIGIN: Named after René Lalique (died 1945), French designer of jewellery and glassware …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lalique, René — ▪ French jeweler born April 6, 1860, Ay, Fr. died May 5, 1945, Paris  French jeweler during the early 20th century, whose designs in jewelry and glass contributed significantly to the Art Nouveau movement at the turn of the century.       Trained …   Universalium

  • Lalique, René (Jules) — born April 6, 1860, Ay, Fr. died May 5, 1945, Paris French jeweler and glassmaker. Trained in Paris and London, he opened his own firm in Paris in 1885 and soon acquired clients such as Sarah Bernhardt. Reacting against machine produced jewelry… …   Universalium

  • Lalique, René (Jules) — (6 abr. 1860, Ay, Francia–5 may. 1945, París). Joyero y vidriero francés. Se formó en París y Londres. Abrió su propia firma en París en 1885 y pronto tuvo clientes como Sarah Bernhardt. Al oponerse a la joyería fabricada con máquinas, que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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