
jew's-harp or jews'-harp [jo͞oz′härp΄]
earlier Jew's trump, altered (by assoc. with JEW) < Du jeugdtromp, child's trumpet < jeugd,YOUTH (confused in Eng with ME Judeu, Jew) + tromp, trumpet < OFr trompe: see TRUMP2
a small musical instrument consisting of a lyre-shaped metal frame held between the teeth and played by plucking a projecting bent piece with the finger: it produces twanging tones

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Jew's harp — A modern Jew s harp …   Wikipedia

  • Jew's-harp — n. [Jew + harp; or possibly a corrupt. of jaw s harp; cf. G. maultrommel, lit., mouthdrum.] 1. An instrument of music, which, when placed between the teeth, gives, by means of a bent metal tongue struck by the finger, a sound which is modulated …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Jew's-harp — Jew s harpˈ or Jews harpˈ or Jew s trumpˈ or Jews trumpˈ noun (also without cap) a small lyre shaped instrument played against the teeth by plucking a metal tongue with the finger • • • Main Entry: ↑Jew * * * jew s harp or jews harp «JOOZ HAHRP» …   Useful english dictionary

  • jew's-harp — or jews harp [jo͞oz′härp΄] n. [earlier Jew s trump, altered (by assoc. with JEW) < Du jeugdtromp, child s trumpet < jeugd,YOUTH (confused in Eng with ME Judeu, Jew) + tromp, trumpet < OFr trompe: see TRUMP2] a small musical instrument… …   English World dictionary

  • Jew's harp — ► NOUN ▪ a small lyre shaped musical instrument held between the teeth and struck with a finger …   English terms dictionary

  • jew's harp — noun a small lyre shaped musical instrument that is placed between the teeth and played by twanging a wire tongue while changing the shape of the mouth cavity • Syn: ↑jews harp, ↑mouth bow • Hypernyms: ↑musical instrument, ↑instrument * * * ˈjüz… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Jew's harp — (sometimes l.c.) a small, simple musical instrument consisting of a lyre shaped metal frame containing a metal tongue, which is plucked while the frame is held in the teeth, the vibrations causing twanging tones. Also, Jews harp. [1585 95; perh.… …   Universalium

  • Jew's harp — Jew s′ (or Jews ′) harp n. mad (sometimes l.c.) a small, simple musical instrument consisting of a lyre shaped metal frame containing a metal tongue, which is plucked while the frame is held in the teeth, the vibrations causing twanging tones •… …   From formal English to slang

  • jew's harp — /ˈdʒuz hap/ (say joohz hahp) noun a musical instrument consisting of a circular metal frame with a metal tongue which is plucked while the frame is held between the teeth, the varying position of the mouth changing the tone. Also, jaw harp.… …  

  • Jew's harp — or Jews harp noun Date: 1595 a small lyre shaped instrument that when held between the teeth gives tones from a metal tongue struck by the finger …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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