- hot button
n.Informal an idea, subject, issue, etc. that evokes strong feelingshot-button [hät′but΄'n]adj.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
hot button — UK / US or hot button issue UK / US noun [countable] Word forms hot button : singular hot button plural hot buttons American informal an issue that people disagree about and argue about a lot … English dictionary
hot-button — /hot but n/, adj. exciting strong feelings; highly charged; emotional: hot button issues. [1985 90] * * * hot button adj, always used before a noun The budget is a real hot button issue right now. • • • Main Entry: ↑hot button … Useful english dictionary
hot button — hot buttons N COUNT: oft N n A hot button is a subject or problem that people have very strong feelings about. [mainly AM, JOURNALISM] Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of US life … English dictionary
hot button — (USA) A hot button is a topic or issue that people feel very strongly about … The small dictionary of idiomes
hot button — ☆ hot button n. Informal an idea, subject, issue, etc. that evokes strong feelings hot button [hät′but΄ n] adj … English World dictionary
hot-button — /hot but n/, adj. exciting strong feelings; highly charged; emotional: hot button issues. [1985 90] * * * … Universalium
hot-button — hot′ but′ton adj. exciting strong feelings; highly charged; emotional: hot button issues[/ex] • Etymology: 1985–90 … From formal English to slang
hot button — hot ,button noun count AMERICAN INFORMAL an issue that people disagree about and argue about a lot … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hot button — noun : an emotional and usually controversial issue or concern that triggers immediate intense reaction * * * noun, pl ⋯ tons [count] : an issue that causes people to feel strong emotions (such as anger) and to argue with each other The film is… … Useful english dictionary
hot-button — American a hot button a subject that is important to people and which they feel very strongly about. Sex discrimination in employment is a hot button political issue now. (always before noun) … New idioms dictionary