- headbanging
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Headbanging — is a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in time with music, most commonly rock music and heavy metal music.OriginThe term headbanger was coined during Led Zeppelin s first US tour in 1968.Fact|date=July 2007 During a show at… … Wikipedia
headbanging — ► NOUN ▪ violent rhythmic shaking of the head by fans of heavy metal music … English terms dictionary
headbanging — ☆ headbanging or head banging [hed′baŋ΄iŋ ] n. rhythmical moving of the head up and down in dancing to HEAVY METAL adj. of or having to do with HEAVY METAL … English World dictionary
Headbanging — El headbanging es un tipo de movimiento que involucra la sacudida violenta de la cabeza al ritmo de la música, por lo general en el heavy metal, aunque han existido danzas similares que se han llevado a cabo con otros estilos musicales desde hace … Wikipedia Español
Headbanging — Headbangen Headbangen (auch „Headbanging“ oder „Bangen“) ist eine Tanzform, die hauptsächlich von Metal Fans praktiziert wird. Beim Headbangen wird der Kopf im Takt der Musik schnell vor und rückwärts, seitwärts, im Kreis oder in Achterform… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Headbanging — Head|ban|ging [ hɛdbɛŋɪŋ ], das; s [zu engl. headbanger = Verrückter, eigtl. jmd., der seinen Kopf ruckartig bewegt]: heftige rhythmische Kopfbewegung (bes. bei stark rhythmisierter Musik). * * * Headbanging [englisch, hedbæȖɪȖ; wörtlich »mit… … Universal-Lexikon
headbanging — /ˈhɛdbæŋɪŋ / (say hedbanging) noun 1. a style of dancing to heavy metal music in which the dancer shakes the head violently. 2. the action of banging the head against something or shaking the head violently, sometimes while rocking the body, as… …
headbanging — noun A type of dance associated with rock or heavy metal music, in which the head is shaken violently in time with music … Wiktionary
Headbanging — style of dancing to heavy metal music in which the dancer shakes the head violently … Dictionary of Australian slang
headbanging — Australian Slang style of dancing to heavy metal music in which the dancer shakes the head violently … English dialects glossary