
Hasselt [häs′əlt]
commune in NE Belgium: capital of Limburg province: pop. 67,000

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      capital of Limburg province, northeastern Belgium. It lies along the Demer River near the Albert Canal, northwest of Liège. For centuries it has been a centre of administration, a market town, and a home of distilleries (the gin called Hasselt Spirit is still produced there). Since coal mining began (1917) in the Kempenland (Campine) to the north, Hasselt has also developed industrially. The rich farmland of the fertile Hesbaye country to the south supports Hasselt's breweries, flour mills, tanneries, and fertilizer factories.

      Principal buildings are the Church of St. Quentin (dating from the 14th century), the town hall (1675), and the 18th-century béguinage (retreat for secular nuns), now housing a museum. There is a monument to peasants whose uprising was crushed by French troops in 1798. In 1831 the Dutch won a major victory over the Belgian nationalists at Hasselt.

      The Church of Our Lady (1726–31) contains the tomb of Anne-Catherine Lamboy, abbess of the nearby Cistercian nunnery of Herkenrode (1128). The nearby Provincial Estate of Bokrijk includes an open-air museum of the old Kempen district. Pop. (1992 est.) mun., 66,900.

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