Half rhyme — or slant rhyme, sometimes called sprung, near rhyme, oblique rhyme, off rhyme or imperfect rhyme, is consonance on the final consonants of the words involved (e.g. ill with shell). Many half/slant rhymes are also eye rhymes. Half/slant rhyme is… … Wikipedia
half rhyme — n. SLANT RHYME, esp. when the result of consonance … English World dictionary
half rhyme — noun An imperfect rhyme in which consonants agree, but vowels do not Syn: near rhyme, pararhyme … Wiktionary
half rhyme. — See slant rhyme. [1820 30] * * * … Universalium
half rhyme — /ˈhaf raɪm/ (say hahf ruym) noun (in poetry) a rhyme between words with differing vowels, as bees and buzz …
half rhyme — noun : a terminal consonance other than rhyme in two or more words (as in the unstressed final syllables of hollow and shallow or the matching terminal consonant clusters of stopped and wept) … Useful english dictionary
half rhyme. — See slant rhyme. [1820 30] … Useful english dictionary
rhyme — [n] poetry in which lines end with like sounds alliteration, beat, cadence, couplet, doggerel, half rhyme, harmony, iambic pentameter, measure, meter, nursery rhyme, ode, poem, poesy, poetry, rhythm, rune, slant rhyme, song, tune, verse, vowel… … New thesaurus
Rhyme — A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words and is most often used in poetry and songs. The word rhyme may also refer to a short poem, such as a rhyming couplet or other brief rhyming poem such as nursery rhymes. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
rhyme — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 using words that have the same sound as each other ADJECTIVE ▪ internal RHYME + NOUN ▪ scheme PREPOSITION ▪ in rhyme … Collocations dictionary