- grotesquerie
n.1. a grotesque thing2. the quality or state of being grotesque
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
grotesquerie — [gʀɔtɛskəʀi] n. f. ÉTYM. V. 1850, Baudelaire; de grotesque. ❖ ♦ Rare. Caractère de ce qui est grotesque (II., 2.). || Il est d une grotesquerie complète … Encyclopédie Universelle
Grotesquerie — is a literary form that became a popular genre in the early 20th century. It can be grouped with science fiction and horror. Authors such as Ambrose Bierce, Fritz Leiber, H. Russell Wakefield, Seabury Quinn, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Margaret St … Wikipedia
grotesquerie — ► NOUN (pl. grotesqueries) ▪ grotesque quality or things … English terms dictionary
grotesquerie — or grotesquery [grō tes′kə rē] n. pl. grotesqueries [< GROTESQUE] 1. a grotesque thing 2. the quality or state of being grotesque … English World dictionary
grotesquerie — grotesquery gro*tesqu er*y, n. [Written also {grotesquerie}.] [From {Grotesque}.] Grotesque action, speech, or manners; grotesque doings; ludicrous or incongruous unnaturalness or distortion. The sustained grotesquery of Feather top. K. L. Bates … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grotesquerie — also grotesquery noun (plural ries) Etymology: grotesque + French erie ery Date: circa 1666 1. something that is grotesque 2. the quality or state of being grotesque ; grotesqueness … New Collegiate Dictionary
grotesquerie — noun a) The quality of being grotesque or macabre b) A genre of literature that was popular in the early 20th century, and practiced by writers such as and … Wiktionary
grotesquerie — [grəʊ tɛskəri] noun (plural grotesqueries) grotesque quality or things … English new terms dictionary
grotesquerie — gro·tes·que·rie … English syllables
grotesquerie — /groʊˈtɛskəri/ (say groh teskuhree) noun (plural grotesqueries) 1. grotesque character. 2. something grotesque. 3. grotesque work. Also, grotesquery …